Tuesday 9 October 2012

I'm upset tonight!

Assalamualaikum guys and girls!

Pe habaq sume? Hopefully korang semua baik-baik je lah ye. Hari ni secara rasminya, semua kelas aku dah habis. Nampaknya tinggal final exams je lah lagi. I'm not that ready for final actually.. Tiba-tiba malam ni rasa cam sedih pun ada. Yelah, ni lah last long semester aku, tahun depan dah start degree, insya Allah. So semester ni lah semester last kitaorang dapat jadik roomates. Dah setahun setengah dah, tanpa sedar kan? Malam ni rasa macam 'hmm.. tinggal tak sampai dua minggu pun lagi kitaorang stay together, and then...' Aku kalau boleh nak stay bilik sama till forever lah! Memang tak dapatlaa kann..

Seriously malam ni aku macam mengimbau balik kenangan dulu-dulu (bajet tua doe..). Lagi-lagi rumah nun jauh pantai timur, makin terasala kan. Kalaulah waktu boleh diputarkan kembali, aku nak hargai setiap saat yang ada. Menyesal pun tak guna kan? Sebab tu lah orang cakap bila kita dah masuk U, rindu pulak kat zaman sekolah dulu. Haih, still aku appreciate apa yang ada kat sekeliling aku, tapi kalaulah boleh, aku nak semua yang pernah wujud dalam hidup aku still be at my side now, and please don't move on, although a liitle bit.. Tapi boleh ke? Kbai!

-Things get extraordinary when you're abnormal-

Friday 5 October 2012


Assalamualaikum guys and girls!

How presentation can make me becomes a better person? You know what? (Of course I don't!) For me, when I present a presentation for sure I'll become nervous and have butterfly. It always goes like that. Why? The most crucial thing that I learnt from my subject is when we do not practice at all and we have nothing in our mind about the topic. So, please do lots of practices before you have your real one!

What nonsense am I talking about.. The thing is when I am standing in the front for a presentation automatically all the things depend on me whether it goes smoothly or not. So the way I make myself a bit confident by keeping my mind focusses on what I am going to tell the audience and the efforts that I have put until I reach that stage.

That's the thing that I have learnt from this semester and yeah it really precious to me. I love seeing myself do a great presentation! Don't u? Kbai!

-Things get extraordinary when you're abnormal-

Say "WELCOME' to me!

Assalamualaikum guys and girls!

This is my very first entry! Yeahhh, say "WELCOME" to meeee! Actually ni bukan first blog aku sebab dengan kepandaian yang aku ada, aku dah meng'delete' blog lama aku. Blog tu pun baru nak menjengah zaman kegemilangan dia tetiba aku dah buang jauh daripada hidup aku (yang tu memang bajet!). Dan sekarang my new blog, seriously new sebab aku baru sign up tadi je disebabkan kebijaksanaan aku (again!) delete google account. 

Sebenarnya aku nak nak cari sorang pengedit blog tegar (buruk betul ayat aku)  yang boleh mengedit blog aku yang 'lawa' ni. Tapi sangatlah diharapkan pengedit tersebut tak mengenakan harga semahal sebijik banglo. Kbai!

-Things get extraordinary when you're abnormal-